Handley Street Festival

The Annual Handley Street Festival
Saturday, October 10, 2020, 10am-9pm.

Fantastic fun for all. Great music the whole day, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country, Vocal, Banjo. Plus we have had in the past, Bounce Houses, Train Ride, Face Paint, Sand Art, Carnival Games with prizes, and a Book Walk. Fire Trucks, Police Finger Print ID RV, Swat Vehicle, Equestrian.  
Helpful information from many of the city support groups, Recycle, Waste Management, Graffiti Abatement, and Gang officers. Vendors with all sorts of goodies.  Food, Drink, Food, Drink and Food, Drink. There is room for everyone to bring several with them, call a meeting or family gathering then meet up at the Handley Street Festival, it’s a great time to support your community.
See our 20 ft tall Train Totem or the Caboose Museum open and the Cultural Center Museum. Spend the Day with Historic Handley Development Corporation and Handley Neighborhood Association, its bound to be fun.

Public Notice